Call for papers: Auxiliary verb constructions in Bantu languages
We invite contributions to a special issue of the Nordic Journal of African Studies, dedicated to auxiliary constructions in Bantu languages (click here for the full call in pdf form). Despite their significance in this verb-centered family, auxiliaries have received relatively little in-depth, systematic attention in the general Bantu literature, especially when compared to the complex morphology of the simplex verbal word.
We welcome submissions addressing the plethora of formal and functional aspects of Bantu auxiliaries. Contributions may include but are not limited to the following topics:
- Detailed studies addressing the categorical status of Bantu auxiliary constructions in relation to interconnected notions such as “deficient” or “defective” verbs, “compound constructions” and “aspectual copulas”.
- In-depth analyses of the semantic and structural status, role and development of the lexical element (aka the “complement verb”, “auxiliate” or “second verb”) of the auxiliary construction.
- Reconstruction of auxiliary constructions to any proto-stage and the potential uncovering of cycles of change.
Click on "read more" below to see a longer call for papers.