Published 2024-12-19
- international expert community,
- green energy,
- cultural capital,
- gender discrimination,
- multi-sited ethnography
Copyright (c) 2024 Julia Caroline Wummel

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.
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Following the transformative journey of Kenyan geothermal professionals throughout a training programme in Iceland and back to their homes, I argue that such long-term training in foreign countries can function as a rite of passage. The collective experience of the geothermal training programme as a liminal space forges an egalitarian peer group, regardless of the members’ biological age or usual workplace position. Simultaneously, it provides the opportunity to gain both social and cultural capital, which raises the professional status of the participants and, thereby, their seniority. The trainees become a tight-knit community of practice, so much so that they may support each other even years after they have come back to their regular jobs in their home country. At the same time, the members become part of a bigger, prestigious geothermal ‘family’ of international experts. This expert community exchanges knowledge and support globally and provides distinction to its members. Thus, attending this course goes beyond being taught geothermal skills and scientific knowledge. Attendees become legitimate actors of professional expertise that are more powerful than those who have not yet been exposed to the training. The Icelandic training programme ‘makes’ experts and can thus be seen as a rite of passage, providing a more senior status to initiates that can even mitigate age and gender discrimination to some extent.
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